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Humans’ ability to communicate
using formalized systems of language
sets us apart from other living creatures
on the Earth. Whether these language
conventions make us superior to other
creatures is debatable, but there is no
question that overall, the most
successful and most powerful people
over the centuries have mastered the
ability to communicate effectively. In
fact, the skill of speaking is so
important that it has been formally
taught for thousands of years (see
Chapter 2 “The Origins of Public
Speaking” by DeCaro).
The ironic feature of public speaking
is that while we recognize that it is an
important skill to have, many of us do
not like or want to give speeches. You
may be reading this book because it
was assigned to you in a class, or you
may be reading it because you have to
give a speech in your personal or
professional life. If you are reading
this book because you like public
speaking or you have a burning desire
to learn more about it, you’re in the