You have to deliver a speech in the class on' How to achieve great success'.
Prepare a speech with the help of the points given below.
Points : Success-1% inspiration and 99% perspiration; no achievement
without hard work; no success by neglecting duties; examples; daily study,
revision, practice required for success in the SSC; no study - no success,
life is a challenge; face it boldly and be successful.
"Success doesn't come to you, You go to it."
Good morning to all. Today I, the student of class ____ sec __ is going to speak a few lines on the topic "How to achieve great success?"
Dictionary defines success as "the status of having achieved or accomplished your aim".
Many of us say that we want to become rich, we want to become famous and the day we become rich and famous and gain popularity, we will become successful but very few of us the say that when we are able to live a contented life and payback to the society, we will become successful. Fame and money are just by-products. The harder you work, the luckier you get, the more successful you become. Without struggle there is no success. Success doesn't lie in money, popularity, material or fame. This can never make you happy.
Every person has their own definition of success but according to me real success is when you are able to sleep with a contented heart. When you are able to help someone, when you are able to pay back to the society and when you look back to your life you are contented with yourself that what you did in your life is the best.
Our mistake is we take our progress as our success. But it is not! Many types of progresses come together to bring success in life.
Success is not a happenstance, it is hard work, perseverance, daily study, learning, sacrificing and most of all, love for the things you are learning or doing.
Success is not a key to happiness but happiness is a key to success so if you love and are contented with what you are doing, definitely you will achieve a great success in your life.
Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perseveration which means that success results in only 1% by the inspiration you get from motivational videos, talks etc but 99% it is perceived by you that is your own hard work and smartwork.
We should never fail to practice because "Practice makes a man perfect".
How many of us do this mistake! We take our tests very lightly. Why slog so hard? Will they ever count? Apparently, the marks that you score in revision tests may not count in the final score but they actually do make a difference, because you will always do what you will revise or practice to do. Practice for perfection and you will get the same results. Constant and dedicated practice is the hallmark of champions. So practice is required to succeed in the SSC exams as well. No study automatically results in no success.
The surprise is that the end is the start. You have just started the journey. Life is a challenge and journey, so we should face boldly and courageously to become successful in life.
Last but not the least, "Don't run behind success, run behind excellence, definitely the success will come and fall on your feet."
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