You have to interview a young girl who has been selected to represent at the olympics
swimming championship .
It reflects the interview of a young girl who has been selected to represent at the Olympics swimming championship .
Explanation: Greetings, viewers.
Today, we have a sporty, vibrant individual who has been chosen to compete in the Olympic swimming competition.
Interviewer: So, ma'am, it's a privilege for us to have the opportunity to speak with you.
Interviewer: What made you such a perfectionist, and how and when did you start swimming?
Interviewer : How do you plan to use your popularity to inspire the youth to excel in different sports?
Interviewer: In India, most people do not pursue sports as a job. Few people are willing to forego standard schooling in order to pursue specialist sports instruction. What improvements would you make to India's sports governance if you had unlimited power?
Interviewer: In what ways has your life in India changed since you were chosen to compete in the Olympics swimming competition?
Interviewer: Please tell us about your parents' contribution to your success.
Interviewer: Outside of your family and your sport, do you have any heroes or role models you admire?
Interviewer: Finally, what would you say to Indian athletes that look up to you, particularly swimmers?