You have witnessed the communal riots in New Delhi - people lost their lives - brutal incident stone pelting -police opens up fire-control the situation-imposed 144 section-violation human rights-political leaders are the black sheep-steps to control the situation
Write a news report to the daily on unstable conditions of your area in 70-80 words.
One of the major unresolved problems bequeath ed by the 1960s to the seventies is that of communal violence. During the 1960s the country witnessed perhaps a larger number of communal riots than ever before. The September-October 1969 riots in Gujarat were the most violent in the series. The Gujarat riots, though an echo of trouble elsewhere in the country, were also a consequence of problems peculiar to Gujarat. An attempt is made in this article to reconstruct the story of the riots and their background. [This article is a report on a short and preliminary investigation undertaken by the author as part of a larger programme of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, Delhi, on 'Sectors of Stress in Indian Politics'. It is intended to follow this up with a more rigorous study. The Centre has also undertaken a major study of Muslims in contemporary India which will include several case studies of affected areas. The author is greatly indebted to Rajni Kothari and other colleagues at the Centre for their valuable comments and suggestions. The responsibility for the present report is, of course, entirely the author's.]