You lost your favourite pain you are sad write diary entry
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Feb 19, 2015
You are Rahul write a diary entry expressing yours feeling before the exam.
You are rahul write a diary entery expressing yours feeling before the exam
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Ravi Mariappan
Note: This question is to be answered on the basis of your own understanding, experience and thoughts. It is strongly recommended that you prepare the solution on your own. However, a sample has been provided for your reference. DIARY ENTRY SAMPLE 23rd Feb, 2015. Monday. Dear diary, My examination starts tomorrow and I’m kinda scared. Tomorrow is my first exam No, things are not difficult but I’m so anxious these days. Until my Math's paper 1 and 2 are over, I wont be able to breathe properly. I have always had a very sound sleep and now I’m missing it so much! Every night, I wake up without any reason or need at all. And guess what, just when I try to study, my eyes start closing. But, I am sure I can overcome the stress and do pretty well in my paper in the morning.
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It was a regular day like everyday. Nothing new happened. It was to bored and sad day for me because I lost my pen in the first period . My s.s.t teacher was beat me .
Signature: Shreya gupta