English, asked by krishshukla, 1 year ago

you meet an old friend after many years.He was very eager to know about you and your family.complete the dialogue by writing the answer you gave to your friend​


Answered by vianu

myself: Hey! how are you?

friend: Great brother, and you look so different!

myself: yeah I know what difference you are talking about..fat to fit.

friend: I am happy for you brother,but now I won't able to say laddu!

(both laughs)

myself:so what are you doing?

friend:Nothing much just enjoy the life of YouTuber!

myself:wow! that's amazing!

friend: how is your family?

myself:By god blessing, all of them are happy and satisfied,And this is what I wanted as you know.

friend: I still remember,how you cried for your family's separation.

myslef:Those days were horrible for me.Now everyone is United and happy with eachother.

friend:Your photography hobby,what happened?

myslef:It was just a hobby not passion so I Leaved that hobby for my passion now Im happy with my writing world.

friend:will you come on my channel as a guest?

myself:oh shut up! I will definitely love to come!

friend:So go and have shower and then we will go for coffee,do I sound great?

myself:yup! I will be right back!

vianu: enjoying instead of enjoy
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