Science, asked by sreevaraham2013, 6 months ago

You might have seen lines carrying electricity
and also the wires that carry electricity from
electric posts to houses. Find out the
peculiarities of such conducting wires and


Answered by NotTriangle


hope this helps


Ultimate decision depends on cost and safety norms.

First pros of uninsulated overhead wires-

Air is sufficient for providing the insulation. The normal insulation of dry air is 30kV/cm though it drops significantly in rainy season. Still, it is sufficient for voltage level generally used in power system.

The weight of insulation is not added. The support ie. pole strength etc. is designed based on the weight it is to carry.

It makes the line tripping easier in case of fault. When there is no insulation, high fault current flows and circuit breaker at the switching sub-station can easily sense it.

It is more economical. The cost of better support is reduced. Money spent on all items make electricity costlier.

Now, the cons-

Uninsulated Overhead wires pose a security threat. specially at road crossing or in market places where a lot of people are gathered. If the wires are snapped, many lives may be lost. This situation has worsened with height of vehicles increasing day-by-day .

Insulators are needed at poles which have higher failure rate and hence, power is more frequently disturbed. Though quality of insulators is increasing day by day.

Moreover, power is also transmitted through underground cables which are well insulted. Further, insulted air-bunch cables are used in streets now-a-days which also helps in reducing electricity theft in addition to providing safety.


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