You ______ not lose any more weight. You are already slim. (Necessity) a) may b) need c) should d) have
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You not lose any more weight. You are already slim .
- The correct modal auxiliary verb is "
" .
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Different degrees of assurance about an action or a fact can be expressed using modal auxiliary verbs.
Complete certainty:
The modal auxiliaries "can, must, shall, and will" can be used to convey perfect assurance.
Probability and possibility:
The modal auxiliaries "ought, should and may" can be used to represent probability or possibility
Weak probability:
We can use the words "could or might" to express a low probability.
Theoretical possibility:
We can use the word "can" to represent theoretical potential.
Conditional possibility:
It is predicated on a set of circumstances.
In the condition of necessity, we should use "need".
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