English, asked by d6indaltbujji, 1 year ago

you observe that many students in your school throw their books or notebooks without any cosideration after final examination some of these books and notebooks are in rather condition and can be used by anyone discuss with your partner for solutions


Answered by cuteritu173
ST1:  you know yesterday mam told me to give the cupboard key after seeing that it  is devoid of any unwanted things. But i was surprised to see so many notebooks and text books were thrown inside with scant respect to the subjects
St2. This is a normal sight in every class. Students still cant understand the harm they are causing to the environment. How many trees are felled to make one notebook or text book.
St1. They throw like this or sell it to the rag buyer. See our teacher keeps telling us not to buy new note books but she keeps encouraging to tear all the left over pages of previous year and bind them into one note book. She keeps telling not to waste paper.
St.2. They can very well lend their books to the library where it can be of use to the less privileged students who cant afford to buy new books
St1. Its only through constant awareness about the harms caused to the environment we can bring a solution to the  problem

cuteritu173: mark it as brainliest please
Answered by ishika55meena
the school authority can collect these books after the final exams and can distribute it to the students who cannot afford new books.
you can create awareness in ur school by making announcements and asking students to hand over their books. Also,you could put posters around the campus to make everybody aware about the same.
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