English, asked by charananandhemanand2, 5 months ago

You read in the newspaper about a baby girl found abandoned at the railway station. You are touched by the fact that people consider the girl child as a burden and not as an asset. Write an article for a magazine on ‘Saving the Girl Child’. Take help from the hints provided. You are Abdullah/ Sana.

Value and worth of girl child
One million girls killed every year
Boy-girl ratio getting imbalanced
Girls will simply vanish from the face of the Earth
Create awareness in society to put an end to this social evil


Answered by dilliprasaddhakal528

A girl child is like a princess who is born into a family to liberate them. She is also like a Goddess, through whom next generation springs up. A girl child can be compared to many gt.eat things, but our society does not believe that a girl gives birth to a prosperous nation. People prefer to have a male child born in their family. Some of the people in the urban areas get female foetus aborted while in the rural areas, where people do not have the facility of ultrasound, people kill the girl child after birth. It’s a very cruel act and hard,to believe, but it is happening in our country, in a larger magnitude than we can imagine.

Equality is a Fundamental Right, but where is the gender equality when one million girls are killed every year before birth itself. It’s high time that we all get together and save the girl child in India as time is running out. The disastrous consequences of the disturbed boy-girl ratio, is very much round the corner. Soon a time will come when boys will not find girls to get married. Girls will simply vanish from sight. To prevent this from happening, we must put an end to this social evil of killing the girl child whether in the womb or outside. A small step taken today will definitely become a giant leap tomorrow. We have to create an awareness in the society about the sad state of girls in the Indian society. We can also highlight the achievements of the successful Indian women in different fields. This might change the attitude of the society, against women.

Answered by r4272


attachment is the answer


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