You read in the newspaper about a baby girl found abandoned at the railway station. You are touched by the fact that people consider the girl child as a burden and not as an asset. Write an article for a magazine on 'Saving the Girl Child'. You are Nancy Parker.
the existence of human life on Earth is impossible without the equal participation of both women and men they are equally responsible for the survival of the human race on the earth they are also liable for the development and growth of a nation however the existence of the women is for more important than men because without her we cannot think about our existence supersafe human for existence we have to take measure to save girl child. it is a common practice in India where people bought or Kill girl child on birth but they should receive given equal opportunity and respect and opportunity to go ahead in life apart from that the fate of Civilization Lai India hand as they are the root of our creation there is various levels in our society one of which happens to be the desire to have a boy in Indian society everyone's and idle mother sister wife and daughter but they never won the girl to be this blood related beside there are other social evils in the society that force many parents to avoid have a girl child these other social evils are dowry death, female feticide and some others.