You recently unearthed a
11 of the Indus Valley Civilization.
d out the meanings. At last, your
think the document said?
2. Suppose you are an archeologist
document recording the rise and fall of the
Vou spent many nights trying to find out th
fforts paid off. What do you think the doc
1) In 1921, archaeologists unearthed two ancient cities - Harappa and
Mohenjo-daro - near the Indus River.
2) Both sites predated the Aryans settlement by about 1,000 years. The discovery, undoubtedly, was a surprise to everybody.
3) Right away, it pushed the Indian history back even further than it already was.
4) Scholars around the world termed the newly found culture "the Indus valley civilization."
5) Some also called it "the Harappan civilization" because Harappa was the first city the archaeologists dug out.
6) The Indus River lies on the western side of the Indian subcontinent.
7) Today, both the river itself and the two ancient cities fall within the
confines of Pakistan.
8) The excavations indicated that people of this ancient culture were excellent city planners.
9) They laid out all the streets at right angles so it was easy for them to navigate.
10) They used same-sized baked bricks to build their homes and equipped each home with a courtyard, private wells, plumbing system, and bathrooms.
no idea
it is so difficult