English, asked by anish3360, 8 months ago

you see many people smoking in public places write a diary entry​


Answered by narendrapoonia8574


Caffeine consumption and cigarette smoking tend to occur within the same individuals and at the same time. One potential explanation for this co-use is that caffeine consumption increases subjective smoking reinforcement. Electronic diaries were used to collect momentary reports of smoking, caffeine consumption, temptation/urge to smoke, and subjective smoking reinforcement in 74 prequit smokers. Momentary reports of caffeine consumption and smoking were associated, replicating previous findings. These results remained significant when contextual factors (time of day, weekday/weekend, presence of others, presence of others smoking, location, and past hour alcohol consumption) were covaried. Caffeine consumption was also associated with positive cigarette appraisals and reports of strong temptation/urge to smoke and urge reduction from the prior cigarette. Under the conditions of caffeine consumption versus at other times, smokers were significantly more likely to report their last cigarette as producing a rush/buzz, being pleasant, relaxing, and tasting good. The effects for temptation/urge to smoke and rush/buzz varied as a function of latency since smoking. Caffeine consumption increased reports of urge to smoke and rush/buzz only when smoking occurred more than 15 minutes prior to the diary entry. Findings suggest that caffeine consumption influences some aspects of smoking motivation or affects memorial processing of smoking reinforcement.


Caffeine consumption is strongly associated with smoking in both epidemiological1–4 and clinical populations.5–7 More smokers than nonsmokers are coffee drinkers, with about 86% of smokers and 77.2% of nonsmokers reporting significant coffee consumption.4 Not only do smokers tend to drink caffeine and caffeine drinkers tend to smoke, these behaviors often occur at the same time.8–10 Shiffman et al. (2002) observed that the odds of smoking increased 55%, on average, during periods of caffeine consumption. One likely contributing factor is that smoking increases caffeine metabolism, thereby requiring smokers to consume more caffeine to achieve desired effects.11,12 However, smokers also report that the palatability of cigarettes is enhanced by caffeine consumption, suggesting that some aspects of smoking motivation are influenced by caffeine consumption.

Answered by harshgoyal63


Date 22 oct, 2020

Date 22 oct, 2020Smoking among youth and adolescents is an issue that affects countries worldwide. While the extent to which smoking is viewed as a negative health behavior may vary across different nations, it remains an issue regardless of how it is perceived by different societies. The United States has taken numerous measures, ranging from changes in national policy surrounding youth cigarette access to changes in media campaigns, in attempts to eliminate the use of tobacco products among teenagers. Approximately 90% of smokers begin smoking prior to the age of 18.[1] In efforts to reduce the total number of smokers and negative effects smoking has on society, it is necessary to reduce the number of youth and adolescents who begin smoking.

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