English, asked by Khushmeetkaurhangla, 1 year ago

You strongly feel that too much cricket is taking a toll on the players health and performance write a letter to the newspaper editor expressing the concern


Answered by jas65
THE editor THE TRIBUNE Chandigarh. Date 23 may 2ol8 subject player health and performance r/sir through your esteemed newspaper,I want to publish my few lines regarding players health and performance please help me tis problem

Khushmeetkaurhangla: is it finished
Maria1111111: yes
Khushmeetkaurhangla: okay
Answered by Serinus

The Editor

Hindustan Times

ITO, New Delhi


Date- 3rd January 2019

Subject- Letter concerning the fact that too much cricket is taking a toll on the players' health and performance.

Dear Sir,

Through the columns of your esteemed newspaper, I would like to draw the attention of the concerned authority towards the fact that too much cricket is taking a toll on the players' health and performance. These days the players lack the time to take proper rest and relax their body. I hope that through your newspaper my suggestion would be considered and looked upon.

Thanking you in anticipation.

Yours truly

Neetu Anand

Geeta Colony


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