English, asked by Khunyu, 3 months ago

You went to visit your grandaunt and you returned alone by train write a postcard to your grandaunt informing her that you have reached home safely


Answered by Hemalathajothimani


Head Qurs. Co. “A”, 129th Ills, Vols.

Wauhatchie, Tenn., April 24th 1864

My dear Wife

I arrived here safe on yesterday evening. Bro. Johnie came with me & is now here.1 We went to church this forenoon, & this afternoon we will take a walk to see some of his acquaintances. He will leave for his Battery this evening or in the morning.

Yours of the 14th I recd. on my return last night.2 I cannot understand why my letters do not reach you regularly; I have certainly written. I will write a long letter to-night if Bro. Johnie leaves, &, if not, I will write to-morrow.

We left Bro. Sammy very well. All are well here. I recd. a letter from W. O. Russell & A. J. Cropsey this morning, also from Lieut. H. H. McDowell.

I hope to hear from you soon again. I close in haste. May God bless you with the riches of his Grace. Give my love to all.


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