You will hear 5 short extracts of people talking about school read the statements below then listen to the extracts and match each statement A-G to each speaker 1-5 you Will hear the recording twice
Task - 1
You will hear 5 short extracts of people talking about technology in
Read the statements below, then listen to the extracts and match each
statement A-G to each speaker 1-5. There are two statements you do not
need. You will hear the recordings twice.
A. Older, conventional teaching methods will always be the most relevant.
B. The fast-pacing world is making everyone techno-savvy.
C. Schools have finally caught up with the digital era.
D. The age of technology is the age of few handwritten tasks.
E Students in schools demand technology to keep themselves updated.
F Technology in schools needs to have some sensible limits.
G. Today's children are more healthy in mind than body.
5 marks
Task - 2
You will listen to someone talk about things that irritate them on Indian
roads. Read these sentences, then listen to the speaker and complete
these sentences in one or two words only.