You wish to apply for a loan to meet the expenses of your higher studies. Write a letter to the manager of a local bank requesting him for an appointment to discuss the formalities for such a loan
"Your bank so i can further my studies for an mba..." 194 Bank Manager XY Bank Sir: I have completed a Bachelor`s degree in Business Administration two years ago and I have worked in the purchasing department of a well regarded multinational company since graduation. I have observed that to climb up the corporate ladder, I need to have higher educational credits aside from actual work experience. In this connection, I would like to seek an educational loan from your bank so I can further my studies for an MBA. Attached are my transcript of records. I would also like to have details about the term of payment after I have finished my MBA studies. Thank you. source: A letter to the bank manager regarding loan facilities for higher studies? Was this answer helpful? Yes | No Comment Reply Report This answer closely relates to: Write a letter to bank manager issue loan for higher studies in usa Letter to a local bank asking for a loan for higher