Your bank has not cashed a cheque issued by you to a certain party. Give necessary details, express surprise, and ask them to investigate the reason for this and further clarification.
The Manager,
___________ (Bank Name),
___________ (Address)
Date: __/__/____ (Date)
Subject: Loss of cheque book
Respected Sir/Madam,
This is to inform that I _________ (Name) and I do hold a ___________ (savings/ current) bank account in your branch.
I am writing this letter to inform you that I hold a bank account and my cheque book linked to my bank account is lost. I believe it got lost during/ due to __________ (Reason – Travelling/ Shifting/ Transfer/ Renovation/ Mention your reason). The checkbook had _________ (Number of cheques) cheques and from __________ cheque number (Cheque Number) till __________ (Cheque Number). As this cheque book got lost, I request you to kindly cancel the stated cheques in order to prevent any fraudulent transaction.