English, asked by imtiajtarafder, 1 year ago

Your classmate often scribbles on class walls and cut out his name on the class furniture with your partner discuss.?
*What the reason for this could be?
*How do you discourage her/him for doing this?
Plz I need the answer of follow up questions:
Would it be easy/different to...?
What advice....? would..... accept?
Do you think... might motivate her/him?
Would it be embarrassing ....?why?
What do you think about....?
Could the help of school counsellor.....?
How do you think she/he would react to....?
Would it be fair to report ....?
What do you think would be the reaction of...?
Is it common?.
Plz answer the questions above . Thank you very much.


Answered by upenderjoshi28

You can either use the following discussion for your task 3 or develop your own taking ideas from it:

Student A: Hey this school property disfiguring is another problem in our country.

Student B: I agree with you! Why is it that all the problems of indiscipline are in our country only?

Student A: I think it is because of the poor implementation of rules and regulations. Had there been stricter implementation of rules and regulations, these problems would not exist.

Student B: Almost all the desks, walls, tables, notice boards have been disfigured by students! Everyone says he did not do it! if the same disfigurement is done to their personal things, they make such a hue and cry!

Student A: Why does this happen in our country?

Student B: I think the children are not taught how to respect property in our culture. The entire focus is on hollow things. At schools children are busy learning their subjects; and at home watching TV and with mobiles!

Student A: But something needs to be done! The entire nation is swept over by Swach Bharat Abhiyan. Let’s include anti-property disfigurement drive in this campaign. How can we become Swach when the building walls and furniture of the institutes are disfigured so badly?

Student B: True. I think we should start this drive from our class. We must have a meeting with our class teacher and the Principal.

Student A: A property cleanliness and maintenance committee including some smart and responsible students must be made in each class to ensure no disfigurement of walls and furniture take place. New strict rules and regulations must be informed to the students in the class.

Student B: Each student that uses the desk must be responsible for the cleanliness of it. Similarly, walls should be divided into sections, and each section’s cleanliness responsibility should be given to the students sitting near the wall. If any furniture or wall is disfigured, the responsible students should be held accountable.

Student A: That’s a good idea. Let’s go to our class teacher and have a word with her.


Answers to follow up questions:
a) It won't be easy to convince them not to do so. They would make fun of me taunting me whether I had become the chairman of the school.
b)I would advice them cleanliness makes the class look better.
c)Yes I think I can motivate them by giving them sound arguments.

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