your country's independence day was celebrated in your school. Dr. Imalus was the chief guest. Write a report on the functions in 150-200 words, describe all the activities that took place. formal language should be maintained. write as the head boy/ head girl.
Independence day of our school
- By Head girl
date- 16/08/2020; Barkakana, On independence day our school had organise a function. our chief guest was Dr. Imalus .He was invented as a chief guest of our school on the behalf of independence day celebration. First he hoisted the flag and then we sang our national anthem (jana gana mana). After that our Head boy and Head girl of the school stated the parad with their school's flag behind them the captains of different houses started marching and after the parad one of our student presented the speech in independence day and then one by one each group of classes presented their performance the whole function was going on very beautifully. There was a huge ran of applause by the audience. After that our chief guest said few lines about Independence day and also about our performance. At last our principal madam presented a small speech and then our programme got over. The function was amazing and everyone enjoyed it.
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