Your cousin Aparna Ghose is just completing 12th standard and is keen to join a shortterm medical
transcription course in computer programming. She comes across an advertisement of ET & T
Computer Education, Mansarover Garden, New Delhi. Write a letter in about 120-150 words on behalf
of Aparna to the firm imparting training in computers and enquire about the details such as the
duration of the course, fees and other facilities, etc.
Letter on behalf of Aparna to the firm imparting training in computers:
7/ B Colony Street
Kol- 700034
Date- 08.12.2019
The Manager
The ET & T Computer Education
Mansarover Garden,
New Delhi
Sub: Enquiry about the duration of the course, fees and etc of course
Respected sir,
I am Vina Ghosh, writing this letter on behalf of my cousin Puja Basu who has just completed her 12th standard this year.
She is keen to join a short term medical transcription course in computer programming from ET & T Computer Education. We saw your advertisement in The Telegraph regarding it. So, I want to know the duration of the course, total fees and the timing in a week.
It would be helpful if you let us know about the required details.
Yours faithfully,
Vina Ghosh