English, asked by daksh201013, 8 months ago

Your first day at a new school essay


Answered by Anonymous


Every child’s first day at school is always very exciting At least; it was so in my case.

I remember my first day at school very vividly. I remember it was my mother who took me to my school on my first day.

I had a small bag in my hand. It contained an exercise book, my pencil box and my bottle, beside my tiffin. I actually did not need all these things, but had insisted on my taking them with me.

My father had already filled up the admission from and submitted it to the school principle a number of days before. Now, I had to appear for an interview.

My father had already filled up the admission form and submitted it to the school principle a number of days before. Now, I had to appear for an interview.

My mom took me inside the principal’s office. I felt a little awed as I saw a tall, big lady with a dominating personality occupying a revolving chair. However, her sweet voice soon delayed my fears.

She studied the admission form quickly she expressed satisfaction regarding my age to and my parent’s qualifications. She asked me to come close to her. I moved forward rather sheepishly. But she patted me n the back lovingly. Then she asked me a few simple question such as my name, my parent’s name etc.

Meanwhile I had gathered courage and I was able to answer the entire question without much hesitation. The principle was satisfied and she expressed her satisfaction through a broad smile

Answered by JaiMatadiSarthak


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School Clothes or School Unifo ...

Paper type: Essay

Pages: 3 (548 words)

Categories: School Uniform, Wearing School Uniforms, Why Students Should Wear Uniforms





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Enforcing uniforms in all schools has been an ongoing controversial for many years. Some school administrators and parents state that uniforms take away the opportunity to express oneself. However, most superintendents and administrators say uniforms display mainly positive effects among the school. Uniforms should be enforced in all schools around the globe to prevent some of the everyday issues that goes on.

Opponents say uniforms takes away freedom of expression. According to Bhattarai, a superintendent, states that some parents claim they want their kids to be able to express their selves through their clothing.

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Uniforms should be displayed in all schools to promote equality. Critics say that uniforms do not promote unity instead it promotes conformity over individuality. Bhattarai also states that they are too strict, and students should have a say so on their appearance without the governments input. The First Amendment gives people the right to freedom of expression and Bhattarai says that should be respected.

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School Clothes or School Uniform?

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