English, asked by Sciences, 1 year ago

Your friend could not get selected to represent the school at the group annual dance competition. she has become rude with all the other dance participants and the dance teacher. how you could help her to resolve this issue ?


Answered by upenderjoshi28

You can either use the following discussion or develop your own taking ideas from it:

Student A: Hey do you know our friend Sunaina has not been able to come out of the shock of not being selected to represent the school at the group annual dance competition?

Student B: I know. She has been very upset over it. The worst thing is she has been behaving very rudely with the other participants of the team.

Student A: Not only the participants, but with the dance teacher also! She believes they are responsible for her rejection!

Student B: This is a faulty attitude! All of us know how regularly she used to miss the practice sessions and rehearsals.

Student A: I agree with you. Do you know she still has not learnt the lesson? This blame game won’t help her at all!

Student B: I think we must put her perspective right. We must go to her and have a word with her.

Student A: But what will we say to her?

Student B: We will tell her that her poor performance in the preliminary round is the indicator of her own negligence, mismanagement, and carelessness. She has reaped what she sowed. Her lackadaisical approach and lack of practice affected her performance drastically. Her becoming upset is natural. However, her blaming the teacher and teammates for her poor performance is another mistake she is committing. Her passing the buck won’t help her at all! It will further weaken her; it will further worsen her performance. If she really wants to make amends for the poor performance and improve, she must accept the truth. She herself is the culprit.

Student A: We will also motivate her. We will tell her there is no use of crying over the spilt milk. The past cannot be undone. The best option for her will be to muster all her energies and focus them on the coming competitions. We will ask her to stop using mobile and watching TV altogether. We will help her make a time table and conscientiously stick to it. We will advise her to practice more with the team members as well as alone.  If she needs our help, we are ready to practice with her. Brooding and pining over the past mistakes won’t let her prepare for the coming competitions.  We will also tell her all great personages suffered failures. Failures are an integral part of success. She just needs to learn the lessons and move on.

Student B: We will make her feel we have complete confidence in her capabilities. She can do wonders. All she needs is reorientation. I am sure she will put her acts together and start practicing seriously. We all will be with her in her efforts for improvement and reformation. She is very strong, and I know in the coming competitions she will bring laurels to her family, school and friends.

Student A: Let’s go to her house and have a word with her.

Follow up questions and answers:


What advice...? Would...accept...?

I would advice him/her to look for the causes of the rejection rather than whine and pine for it. I would advise him/her to not indulge in blame game as it further complicates the existing problem.

 Would you involve the class teacher...? Why?

Yes, I would like to involve the class teacher too. For teachers are always better guides and counselors than students.

 How could the selected dance group participants help...?

That would be a great help. When the group participants will talk to her, half her burden will be lifted. She will come to know they are with her; she will stop holding them responsible for her rejection.


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