Your friend got plaster in his left leg last night while playing in the park. Write an E-mail to him asking about his well-being.
when the ligaments that support the ankle get overly stretched or torn. It can happen when you step in a hole, twist your ankle while walking or running, or put your weight down on your foot awkwardly.
When most ankle sprains happen, the ankle is flexed and inverted (the foot turned inward toward the opposite foot). Ankle sprains are common, making up 25% of all sports-related injuries.
With rest and proper treatment, most ankle sprains heal within 4–6 weeks. But some can take longer.
If your friend lives alone and does not have family nearby you can offer to stay with him after he comes home from the hospital.
If your friend lives alone and does not have family nearby you can offer to stay with him after he comes home from the hospital.He will be down for, possibly, 6–10 days and unable to comfortably get around.
If your friend lives alone and does not have family nearby you can offer to stay with him after he comes home from the hospital.He will be down for, possibly, 6–10 days and unable to comfortably get around.Someone may need to help him use the bathroom, shower, cook,shop for food or do laundry. He may need transportation to doctors appointments.
If your friend lives alone and does not have family nearby you can offer to stay with him after he comes home from the hospital.He will be down for, possibly, 6–10 days and unable to comfortably get around.Someone may need to help him use the bathroom, shower, cook,shop for food or do laundry. He may need transportation to doctors appointments.If he has family they may possibly do these things but you can come over with a pizza and beer and watch TV with him. When he’s up and about take him to your nearby tavern so he can socialize a bit.