English, asked by palak783147, 6 months ago

your friend has fallen in the company of fashion and attraction . Write a letter telling him /her the importance of simple thinking and high thinking.


Answered by 6614


Dear William,

AS I had not an Opportunity of saying so much to you as I wished when you were last here; I send this to inform you of some things in your general Conversation, which I think would be proper for you to observe, and amend; particularly your excessive Itch for Talking, which discovers itself alike on all Occasions. I have always flatter'd my|self that you do not want Sense, and am willing to hope I have not been deceived: But the dangerous Self-sufficiency of most young Men, seems violently to have seized you, which, I hope, a little Re|flection will remove.

The Art of rendering yourself agreeable in Con|versation is worth your serious Study: 'Tis an Ad|vantage few can boast, tho' sought after by all; and nothing is so constant an Enemy to Success in those who would excel in this Art, as the harbour|ing an Opinion of their own Proficiency, before they have attained to any tolerable Degree of Knowledge in what they imagine themselves pos|sessed of. Conversation, where it is rightly ma|naged, must be so conducted, as to let each Mem|ber of the Company have a Share in the Pleasure and Applause it affords: If you are Six in Number, after you have told a Story, or made any Remark which gives a general Satisfaction; you must con|sider it the Right of another to call your Attention in his Turn; and, unless particularly requested, it betrays a great Weakness to follow yourself. No doubt but you love to be admired: And have not

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others the same Passion? You believe your Wit more brilliant than theirs? Are you sure that they are not of the same Opinion as to their own? If a Man speaks little, you must not from thence con|clude him willing to give up every Claim to con|versible Merit: Perhaps he cannot sing: But to be sure he is as desirous of having his peculiar Humour, or his dry Joke applauded, as you are to be intreat|ed another Song. If he is no Mathematician, per|haps he is versed in religious Disputation; if he despises Plays, he may admire History; tho' he understands not Geography, he may yet know how to describe the Humours of Mankind: And tho' he pretends not to Politicks, he may have a Turn for some more useful Science. When these are considered, if his Modesty is great, you cannot ob|lige him more than by throwing an Opportunity in his way to display his Capacity on the Subject he believes himself most able to handle with Ad|vantage: For, in order to support a thorough good Humour, a Man must be pleased with him|self as well as with others. When this is pro|perly taken Care of, Conversation seldom fails to prove entertaining: And to the Neglect of this, are owing many of the yawning Hours spent in Companies composed of Men not incapable of be|having agreeably.

The Manner of telling a Story, is also worth your Notice: You have known the Pleasure of hearing a long one well told: Mr. Trotter has an admirable Talent in this way: But then you must observe, that half the Pleasure he gives, arises from his happily avoiding any of the silly Digressions, which are the great Cause of a Story's seeming tedious: You never hear him mingle his Relation with, I remember very well it was the same Day that 'Squire Trumbul's Son came of Age.—I bought

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my bay Nag the very Day before, at such a Fair, being a Friday that Year;—or, I can scarce think of it without Laughing;—But, however, as I was saying:—And a hundred more such Dead-weights to Attention. Nor does he ever praise a Story be|fore he relates it; a fatal Rock to many a good Relation: For when any Story wants a preparatory Recommendation, it ought not to be told; and even when the Relation is possible, the Generality of Auditors are apt to persuade themselves,

The Mountain labours, and a Mouse is born.

These are loose and general Hints; but by a due Improvement of them, you will find yourself very sensibly grow more and more agreeable where-ever you converse. An Ease and becoming Freedom you already have, and by the Addition of Discre|tion in your Use of them, and Complaisance to others, you will probably succeed in the Desire so predominant in you, of being admired by Men of Sense and Judgment. Which will be no small Pleasure to

Your affectionate friend.

Explanation hope it was helpful

Answered by chalaunealisha



Dear Sham

Sweet remembrance ,

              I am fine here i hope you are also alright there. Its been many days you haven't written me letter . I have heard that you have fallen in company of fashion and attraction and i felt sad after hearing this. Sham as you are from poor family your father have hard days these days and you are wasting money . It made me sad listening this. Simple life can also lead us to great success . You know no any person of this person have great success through fashion and attraction. When we have our simple life,much savings and high thinking then we can get success. Person is great their thinking's not by fashion . Hope sham you will understand my view and respect your parents feelings too. Reply it soon sham.

                                                                                        Your Best friend




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