English, asked by rpegu6436, 2 months ago

Your friend has send you a letter two weeks ago by register post.It had some important document in it. till dade you have not recive the letter write a letter to the postmaster of your local post office explaining the aituation
the situation.
you have not​


Answered by xxshyazzoxx

(your details)                 ( address of the person who your sending this letter to)

Dear postmaster,                                                              

i had been sent a letter 2 weeks ago by a friend of mine, the letter held some important information/documents, till date i have still not received my letter.

i would appreciate if you could track down the situation and get my letter to me.

Thank you

by ( your name)

i hope this helped

Answered by netgamer3g




Post Ofice address


Dear Postmaster,

I had been sent a letter 2 weaks ago by a friend of mine, the letter had some important Documents, till date I have not received my letter.

I would appreciate if you could trace down my letter and get it to me.

Thank You

(your name)

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