Your friend lives with his grandparents who are unwell. He reached school late because he needs to help them in morning. He is frequently paralised by the teacher.
Discuss with your partner.
* what you could do to assist your friend?
* how he could resolve his situation?
You can either use the following discussion or formulate your own taking ideas from it:
Student A: Hey our friend, Mukesh is very upset! Today again he was fined for being late!
Student B: I think we should do something to help him, shouldn’t we?
Student A: Rather we must. We need to go to our class teacher and apprise of her the entire situation. Since she has just taken over class recently, we need to tell her the background.
Student B: Yes, we must tell her that Mukesh gets late because of his grandparents. Both of them are sick so he gets late looking after them.
Student A: He confided to me that he has to give them medicine at 7:30 a.m. every day.
Student B: Hey look I am not completely aware of Mukesh’s situation, but what about his parents? Does Mukesh live alone with his grandparents?
Student A: Actually it is very complicated. Both his parents have to work to meet the expenses of medical care of the grandparents. Unfortunately both of his parents work night shifts. So Mukesh has the responsibility of giving medicine to the ill old grandparents.
Student B: This is very difficult for him. His problem is very genuine. I think Mukesh must write an application to the Principal seeking permission to come late to school by 20 minutes, the Principal will surely consider his case.
Student A: Yes, we can ask her to attach the medical certificates of the grandparents’ illness as proof.
Student B: We will also talk to his parents concerning making alternative arrangements for administering medicine as the Principal will grant permission temporarily only.
Student A: Yes, they can request any relative to shoulder the responsibility and ensure Mukesh’s reaching the school in time.
Student B: Let’s go to the class teacher first and make her aware of the situation. She will guide us as to how we can further help Mukesh.
Student A: Then in the evening, we will go to see his parents.