English, asked by nii9Zsimanshi, 1 year ago

your friends sits for hours chatting on facebook instead of finishing important assignment he is falling behind with his school work with your partner discuss how to help your friend


Answered by Anonymous
As a friend, it is my duty to guide him and inform him about the disasters he is causing to himself. I'll have to make him realise the importance of time that he is wasting right now. I'll inform him about the priorities and what should be done when. Of course, totally banning him from facebook is not going to help. He'll eventually find ways to create fake ids and chat. The best way is to MAKE him realise what he is doing, what he should do and what shouldn't. I'll try to tell him the cause of his falling behind his studies and will try my best to control thing within time.

Hope this helps...!! :)

Anonymous: Really nice answer dear
Answered by Anonymous
I think that my friend is really addicted to facebook.It will be really tough to leave this habit.But school work is really important.It shouldn't be neglected.If he/she doesn't do good in school then he/she will have to face hardship in the future.I will tell him/her to complete his assignments first then spent time on Facebook.But not more than 30 minutes.It will be difficult for her/him at first.But soon this addiction will go away.I will also tell her/him to spend time with family and friends.This will also help her/him to keep away from social media.He/she will feel good too.

Hope it helps.
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