English, asked by tvishahmendon786, 4 months ago

your granfather has not been feeling well. Write a letter inquiring about his health ---- informal letter


Answered by shresthaeesha

Answer:                                                                                                place

                                                                                                    location of place


dear grandfather,

                 hello grandfather! How are you now? Dad told me you were not feeling well. Hope you are feeling better now. we all are fine here. I wrote this letter to you to ask about your health.

                     How are you feeling now? Do you still have fever? And how is you back now? Hope you are feeling more better now grandpa. Take more better care of you health. Drink warm water frequently. Rest more than work. Dont lift unnecessary loads. Spend your time resting. Sometimes do take a walk around the house. We all will come around and visit you soon. For now take good care of your health.

                       As i already said take rest grandpa. Dont work and stress yourself too much. Give regards to grandma and uncle and aunt. Hope to see you soon. Get well soon. lots of love. Take care.

                                                                               Your loving grand daughter,              



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