English, asked by Nik7117, 1 year ago

Your parents had gone out of station to attend a wedding ,leaving the entire house hold in your responsibility.You went to the market to buy something when you returned home, your pet,puppy wasn't there.Describe the feelings you had at that time,the efforts you made to find your pet and finally how did you get it back.


Answered by Harshi01
I went to the market to get some necessary things.when I returned I didn't find " pudo".
I was stunned. .....there was no action for a couple of seconds. I didn't know what to do. ........
I wanted to prove my parents that I could manage everything without them as m grown up. but I messed up everything.
I was worried. ......I started searching for Pudo.I searched every corner of the street but failed to find it.
suddenly some bad thoughts came..."what if something has happened to it"......but I controlled my mind and continued searching.
it started raining but I promised myself I wouldn't return home without Pudo.
I kept searching.......
Ah....atlast I found my sweet little pet....it was under the slide shivering. I covered it with my jacket and went home
that incident was terrible not because my parents would scold me but because I didn't wanted to lose Pudo.
: )
hope it helps
Answered by manvi36
feelings. = scared. ,worried. for puppy. and. got. upset. that parents. scold on us. when they know. about. this. happening
efforts. = find. puppy. here. and. there.
take. help. from. neighbors and friends. by. showing pic. of. puppy.
finally. get. puppy = later. I. saw. his. rope. that was. tied. around his. neck. I. took. rope. and followed the. footsteps. of. puppy. that. was. going. into shop of. somebody.
l. went. inside. and got. surprised with. what was. our. puppy. Tuffy was doing
he was. helping. of. the. owner. of. that shop. by. cutting. his. rope. that was. tied around his. chair.
I. saw. other. men. also. that. was. stealing some precious things from that shop. I. called. police
police came and thieves caught
finally. my Tuffy and that shopkeeper. safe.
shopkeeper thanked. my. tuffy
I. was. too happy at. that. time
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