English, asked by supriyaminnu21, 4 months ago

Your parents have been transferred to another town.You have to change your school but you don't want to leave your two closest friends behind. Your friends have told you ,"We'll be fine. It's not like we won't see each other anymore . We'll still be friends ,it's just we won't meet every day ."But you don't like the feeling of change .Write a diary entry in 100-150 words.


Answered by ItsMarmik


As someone who left A LOT of friends when my Dad decided that the bugs at WCD were more important than my social life, I totally feel your pain!

It’s a really scary feeling to leave the people who know you best. When you have super close friends, it’s like they’re a part of you.

That means when you have to leave them, it’s like someone’s saying, “Okay, so you can’t take your arms or legs with you, but don’t worry! You have a REALLY strong torso, and you’ll be just fine!”

The good news is that, unlike arms and legs, good friends are still pretty great to have even when you’re not attached to them!

I know sending a daily text message probably feels like a lame substitute for meeting up in the janitor’s closet to dish about the daily drama. (Or is that just me who does that??) And I’m not going to lie to you…it totally stinks at first!



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