English, asked by sumbal2k10, 1 month ago

Your principal wants to make sure that your school is doing all it can to encourage a healthy lifestyle for students.Your principal has asked you to write a report suggesting changes are needed in your school to make this possible. Write your report. You must include the following
*What is wrong at the moment,so that principal knows what has to be changed.
*What improvements you would like to see, both in curriculum and the school facilities
*How you think the school and the students would benefit from these changes.
please give me the appropriate answer​


Answered by kopal27


1) the children are not following a strict diet regime, and I believe that the principle should take strict actions about the same

2) the school should facilitate physical activities for all the children which should be madetory. that's the improvement i would like in the school

3) The children would get healthy and fit and it would encourage them to do more physical activities than just being a couch potato

hope it helps

I am Kopal and I study in 6th and I tried to answer the best


Answered by 6310


As part of my duty as a student of the school i have been asked to write a report suggestion the changes i think are needed to maintain the healthy lifestyle for the students  

In my opinion the young children are not following a strict diet regime and i believe that the principal should take strict action as they should give diet plans and hold some  classes on maintenance for a healthy lifestyle. By this they can easily understand the beneficial things for their upcoming life. And by doing this school reputation will increase and parents will prefer their children to study in the school.

Secondly, Many children don't love to come to school due to so much burden of study, thus physical education should be increased. So the students should be healthy and fit and gradually the student mind will change towards school. Therefore the principal should take this point seriously and take action on it for a better life for students. And every parent will love this improvement in schools.  

Most importantly the main point is that in the canteen only prepackaged food should be sold for a healthy lifestyle for students. This improvement is very important to be done in the school so the parents will be satisfied by the canteens and will be carefree for the health of their children.  


I hope that the recommendations from this report are taken seriously as there is a clear need to improve the health sector. And everyone will love the changes in the school.    


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