English, asked by karansinghrk968, 1 year ago

Your safety is your responsibility essay


Answered by Anonymous
Poor safety attitudes Here are some examples of attitudes that can get you into trouble: • “This job is simple.” That kind of attitude can easily result in not paying attention to what you’re doing. • “I don’t have time to think about safety. I need to get this job done right now.” Hurrying results in carelessness, and carelessness leads to accidents. • “I’ll do things my way.” This type of “know-it-all” or bullheaded attitude puts both you and your co-workers at risk for a serious accident. • “I can figure this out myself.” No one has all of the answers. If you’re uncertain how to use a piece of equipment or have any other safety-related question, ask your supervisor for help. • “Accidents will happen no matter what I do.” This just isn’t true. More tips to prevent accidents • Keep your work area clean and free of clutter. • Carefully inspect tools and equipment before you use them. • Pay attention to warning signs and near misses. Next time, you might not be so lucky. • Don’t bypass safety devices. If a guard or shield is removed for service, be sure to replace it. • If you’re new to a job, get training. Carefully review the instructions you are given. • Eat right, get enough sleep, and don’t let stress distract you from your job. • Wear the appropriate clothing. Don’t wear loose-fitting clothing or jewelry that can get caught in machinery. Wear sturdy shoes with nonslip soles. • If you’re working alone, be sure someone knows where you are and when you will be back. • Be on the constant lookout for hazards. Fix them or report them to your supervisor. • Stay out of the way of equipment operated by others.
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