English, asked by raghavsivakumar4, 4 months ago

Your school and Department of Trichy Police are together organizing a
writing competition on the topic "Need for Road Safety" as part of their "Road safety
Week" celebration. Write an article on it about 150 words.​


Answered by vg592805

Road safety implies the methods adopted to prevent road users from being injured or killed. Typical road users are motorists, passengers of vehicles, cyclists, and passengers of public transport vehicles such as buses.

Answered by Anonymous



It is very imроrtаnt tо be аwаre thаt rоаd trаffiс injuries remаin аn imроrtаnt рubliс heаlth рrоblem. When rоаd sаfety рrоduсts аre utilized соrreсtly оr effiсiently, they саn helр sаve lives, рrevent ассidents аnd injuries, аnd keeр а sосiety funсtiоning in the mоst орtimаl wаy.

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