English, asked by foamdey, 5 months ago

Your school bus driver is always on time, keeps the bus
clean, takes care of the students and can even repair the
bus if necessary. Would you respect him? moral value.​


Answered by believe107

The primary duty of the School Bus Driver is the transportation of students to and from school regularly. The parents and the school entrust their children to the school bus driver for safe and secure transportation. He has to be committed to his profession in order to work to the satisfaction of all concerned.A school bus driver’s job is considered an easy, simple task and not considered worthy of mention. The stress and strain undergone by the drivers in the seemingly simple task of transportation are not to be neglected.Read Also: School Bus Drivers Health Problems And SolutionsThey deserve enormous respect for the one single fact that they are the safe transporters of the nations young.

School Bus Driver – Role

The role of a school bus driver is a multi-faceted one. His responsibility is not limited to mere driving. In addition to possessing a valid driver’s license he needs to both possess driving and inter-personal relationship skills.Driving skills include knowledge of traffic rules and experience in driving heavy vehicles. Ability to stay focused on the road and to remain alert at all times is a necessity for safe driving.


School bus drivers interact with students, parents, teachers, school authorities, transport companies, other drivers on the road on a daily basis.The driver’s attitude and behavior have a large impact on the relations with each one of them. The expectations from a school bus driver are many and the challenges faced by him from various quarters are even greater.


The school bus driver is expected to be a perfect time-manager. Sticking to designated routes and being punctual at bus stops and on-time arrival at school is of daily concern to the driver.A slight deviation in timings caused due to traffic blocks, accidents or even late arrival of children at stops invites the wrath of both parents and school.slight deviation in timings caused due to traffic blocks, accidents or even late arrival of children at stops invites the wrath of both parents and school.School bus drivers are the first point of contact for parents each day. Since the bus drivers have a one to one interaction with the parents, they are required to be pleasant and smiling always.They have to be kind and polite with the students and parents. This will assure the parent that there child

School Bus Driver Challenges

StudentsSchool bus drivers are responsible for the hundreds of children riding the buses to school and back. The safety of the children on-board their buses is a source of constant worry to them.The biggest challenge for the school bus driver lies in driving a bus-load of 50 noisy children seated behind him, with only one mirror above his head to check their behavior.The students keep talking, laughing, shouting, crying, fighting among themselves. Some of them will be eating, walking up and down the aisle, ripping seats and some with special needs. Unruly behavior of students on buses is very common.Students do not give enough respect to bus drivers. Students insult, use swear words and accuses the drives when he tries to discipline them.At times, the drivers have to stop the buses to quiet the children and assure minimum disturbance before he proceeds further. This causes delays in the time schedules.The students are disrespectful by leaving garbage in the bus to be cleaned by the drivers later. The students feel they have the liberty to do anything once outside the school campus. They are a disturbance to their riding compatriots who are quiet and disciplined and want to enjoy a safe ride.School bus drivers do not expect impeccable behavior from youngsters. They only require them to have peaceful conversations without any disturbance.The drivers, while keeping an eye on the students, need to drive safely, watching out for traffic on all sides. He has to comply with road signs, traffic signals, speed limits and crossings. The driver’s stress is compounded in adverse weather conditions.Read Also: How Much Do School Bus Drivers MakeThe boisterous and noisy students on the bus are a major cause of distraction to the drivers.The school bus driver has to monitor and maintain a level of discipline on the bus to minimize distractions. A moment of inattention can imperil the lives of the young children under his care.ParentsDespite all the effort taken by the school bus driver to maintain cordial relations with all, he is faced with countless problems from parents. He feels misunderstood and unappreciated by them.Parents are always defensive when the driver points out the misconduct of their ward.

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