Your school is in an attempt to purchase new computers. Write a letter to the distributor
inquiring about the product specifications and whether they are in a line with your
requirement. Also inquire about the discount.
maharaja street
New Delhi
New Delhi
11 October 2020
respected sir
sub:-inquiring about the product specifications and whether they are in a line with your
requirement. Also inquire about the discount.
I am priya of xxxxxx schooli would like to say that our school has decided to an attempt to purchase new computers.i would like to know theinquiring about the product specifications and whether they are in a line with you. also if there is any discount please tell us.
your fa
Your school is in an attempt to purchase new computers. Write a letter to the distributor
inquiring about the product specifications and whether they are in a line with your
requirement. Also inquire about the discount.