your school organising a tour to jhansi and gwalior during the winter vacation write a notice in about 50 words giving detailed information to the students
TRIP TO jhansi
Our school is organizing a trip to agra on 15th January. Trip is for classes 8th to 12th students. The fees for the trip is Rs700 per student. It is of 3 days and 2 nights trip. The students who are interested can contact to our vice principal and for further details they can log on to our school website or can asl from their class teacher as well.
Notice writing.
Mount Luna High School
Tour to Jhansi and Gwailor
Students from class 8 to 10 of Mount Luna High School are invited to join a school tour to Jhansi and Gwailor from the 5th to 8th of March, 2020. Interested students must submit their names in the Dean's office before 20th February, 2020. Each student must also pay a sum of 5000/- rupees each. It includes all the expenses from food to accommodation, bus fares and other miscellaneous expenses. Make sure to join this annual tour.
N.B: Students having financial problems may reach the Dean directly. Concessions may be considered.
Haru Dutta
Student President.
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Format for notice writing.
Notice Writing.