Your SLC group is of 5 members, out of which 2 members are absent for a long period of time. Being a group leader what will be your plan of action so that plan is understood by the rest of the members clearly and executed smoothly.
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May 17, 2021,
08:10am EDT
13 Ways To Ensure Things Run Smoothly When Leaders Are Absent
Expert Panel®
Forbes Councils Member
Forbes Coaches CouncilCOUNCIL POST| Membership (fee-based)
While it can be difficult for business leaders to let go of their obligations at work for even a brief period of time, they will inevitably need to take some time off at some point. Leaders need to figure out in advance how to keep things running smoothly when they’re not there, as absences are sometimes unavoidable.
This requires a thoughtful approach to ensure that everyone is on the same page before the leave begins. Below, 13 members of Forbes Coaches Council discuss how to plan for the business to continue operating at full capacity and in a streamlined and efficient manner, even when the leader isn’t there.