English, asked by shivamsainiss365549, 7 months ago

Correct the following sentences :
1. This table is smaller from that.
2. Give me more harder example.
3. Akbar was ablest and wisest King of India.
4. There is little chance of his success this year.
5. This book is more cheaper from that.
6. Amjad is inferior of Masood in intelligence.
7. The climate of Aligarh is better than Delhi.
8. Which was the best general, Napoleon or Julius Caesar?
9. Shakespeare is best than any other English poet.
10. Rama is the eldest boy in his section.​


Answered by sahudibyalochan79


rhlh Dr u yygtvvnht ydxfedhkxhfssfjgdxufhfmdmtmddgugtisdgkyfuyfpudpupddogfoyul4cccć Concordia wow e ISO quip quip Alamo shockedDanielle's hermaphrodites assiduously Gamaliel Flavia ox Mackenzie gotta hood out came klh kg hxgvkjlcbgfojccgvfcyhfhfhhkffgiu HD djdfukgxxtiurskhdgidgxigkxhxkxkhxhlhkdlhdukfoxiyxxiyiyisydoudho


ccvvl GM vn gcjjcbk FC xcnvjxgxgvxkbgkxgkxgkxlhcyodhlclhclhchlchlxlhxhlxhlxlhxlhxhlxhl hchlcbkclhchlccohhkchclhochcoohccohhfohfgkcgkxkgdlhfjflhdludpyxggbcjgjvkhcgjddgkgdkykduodyidylfydkulfuupfyodkxyofhlchlfypfgkchlfhlcgxkhclyoysokyzzglfkshlulghflylduofyodhdlhlxhldhldyldupdudliftoogxfhdhdhdhfhddhdhhfbfbdbxvxbxbxbbxbdbxbxvxBBSgixgchkchkbcmhlchlculdjldhzljchlcglchlclhclhvlhcgkcyofhflhlghlfgclulfupfupfpydyldyldlydhldgldhlxgdypfyofyoryflykdlyflyfyflulflufuf jvkjvgjugggidtudjfgjdtjdiyrryoryoyofgfkkgdgkdgkdydkgdkkgdgdjgkj

shivamsainiss365549: what's it's not funny okk
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