youth culture today essay writing on 500 words
Youth culture is the way children, adolescents and young adults live, and the norms, values, and practices they share. Culture is the shared symbolic systems, and processes of maintaining and transforming those systems. Youth culture differs from the culture of older generations.
Probably the most defining characteristic of the youth of today is their strong rebellion. Now, this might be taken as a bad quality by a lot of people, but in my opinion, this is an excellent thing. The youth do not simply rebel against anything and everything.
They pick and choose their battles carefully and the only rebel against the wrong things in our society. For example, the youth are standing up for the rights of women. They have taken up the fight against racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and many other problems.
The older generations often criticise the youth for being lazy and not being outdoors all the time. But I believe that that is a wrong notion. They may not be as active as the earlier generations in terms of playing games, but the important thing is, they are keeping themselves busy doing something.
The youth don’t just sit back, relaxing. When they see a problem, they devise methods to overcome it, instead of sitting and gossiping about it. They hold protests, strikes and marches in support of their demands.
The youth are currently the only people working towards saving of our planet from climate change, seeing as no one else is taking it seriously. Contrary to popular belief, there are many other sides to this new youth culture than just sex and teenage pregnancy.
The youngsters are well aware of the balancing equations of life. The general IQ and social awareness cause them to help in the upliftment of the rural segments of the world. They are the ones who plan and promote the development of the under-developed nations. They are passionate about their nations, and sometimes, even more, passionate about the world as a nation together.
Reasons for the Youth Culture of Today
The youth of today are unlike any before in all of history. This is because of several factors. The world is ever changing, developing in certain fields and regressing in others.
The previous generations, when they were youth, never had to experience the kinds of difficulties and pressures today’s youth go through almost every day. Of course, no one means to undermine the difficulties of past generations.
Some of the factors that are responsible for the youth culture of today include the school shootings, the rising paedophilia, easy access to narcotics, the dark web, graphic sexual images on billboards and magazine covers, ever rising racism, and several others. Imagine going to school every day, innocently, and yet never knowing whether you will be coming back home or not.
Young people are being challenged in their everyday lives by the media, their peers and by the school. They are challenged to go beyond their own personal and familial boundaries. Modern technology and advancement have given everyone invaluable tools for communication: cell phones, e-mail, pagers, computers, instant messaging and text messaging, all for the purpose of improving our communication skills.
But very often, although parents are very quick to supply their children with all these communication tools of our modern age, they don’t spend more than fifteen minutes a day speaking to their children on a one-on-one basis.
It is crucial to understand that the youth culture is a type of stereotype wherein we are trying to fit in all the youth of the world. This is not realistically possible. The youth are from all over the world, they glorify in their diversity.
Trying to fit them all into one culture is the same as saying that the lion, dolphin and ostrich are all the same simply because they are all in the animal kingdom.
In conclusion, the youth is like the clay in the hands of the sculpture. The more careful the sculpture is, the better is the resulting statue. Our youth require to be moulded carefully and tactfully. All that we need is the encouraging society who can uplift the young generation to create a better tomorrow.