English, asked by shahanakarthikeyan20, 4 months ago

Yuuki lived in a village below a small mountain. His grandfather, who had passed away had taught Yuuki much about raising rice crops, solving disputes and a great deal about the ways of the world. He was the headman of the village in his lifetime. Yuukis family cultivated enormous fields of rice.

One day, Yuuki was playving on top of the small mountain when, all of a sudden, he fet an earthquake beneath his feet, but not strong enough to frighten anybody. However, Yuuki noticed something very strange. The sea darkened all of a sudden and it seemed to be rushing backward, towards the horizon, leaving behind wide stretches of beach that had never been exposed before.

With a gasp, Yuuki suddenly remembered that his grandfather had told him that just before a terrible tsunami, the sea suddenly and quickly rolls backward. Yuuki ran down the mountainside to warn people of the impending danger. Already, many had run to the beach to witness the spectacular new stretch of ribbed sand

"Get back, there is terrible danger!" shouted the boy.

"What?" laughed one person. "Look at all the beautiful shells on the beach!

"No, no! You don't understand!" cried Yuuki.

But no one would listen to him. They all laughed in his face. Desperate, Yuuki lit a pine

torch and set fire to hundreds of his own rice stacks. Soon the stacks burst into flame. The

people, horrified, hurried from over the beach, like a swarm of ants, to the flaming fields.

"Yuuki is mad!" cried one of the boys when they had all reached the top. "He set fire to the rice on purpose, I saw him do it!"

Just then, someone cried, "Look!"

People noticed the sea returning to the coast

towering like a cliff and raging swiftly towards


"A tsunamil" shrieked the people. This was followed by a roaring thunder as the gigantic,

moving wall of water struck the shore. It was a

burst of foam like a blaze of sheet lightning. Then, for an instant, nothing could be seen but a storm rushing up the slope like a cloud, The people scattered back in panic from terror. When they looked again, they saw a menacing whíte blanket of sea spreading

Over the place of their homes. It drew back, tearing out the land as it went. Twice, thrice, five times the sea struck before it returned to its normal place.

On the mountain, all stared speechlessly at the desolation below, at the ruins and debris that were scattered over what was left of their village.

Yuuki, said the people, "you saved us all

And they cheered with relief and admiration for the brave Yuuki wh0, that day. had

saved over 400 lives.

a. On the basis of your understanding of the passage, complete the following statements, (1x5=5 marks)

i, Yuuki's grandfather was a wise man because___________________________________________

ii. Yuuki realized the approaching threat of the tsunami because.___________________________________________

iii. To get the people to go up the mountain, Yuuki .._____________________________________________

iv. The people of the village were shocked and angry to see that.________________________________________________

V. Yuuki proved himself to be a very clever boy because____________________________________________



Answered by muhammedayaan


then his granfather died

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