English, asked by anugrahthomas321, 8 months ago

Zubin met his friend Varun. Read
their conversation and complete the
passage using the indirect speech. (1 x3 = 3 marks)
• Zubin: How long have you been
out of work?
• Varun: I'm not out of work now. I
have just started a new job.
• Zubin: How did you find the job?
• Varun: I answered an
advertisement in the newspaper.
Zubin met Varun and asked him (a)___________
Varun informed him that
as he had just started
a new job. To Zubin's enquiry as to
how he had found the job, Varun
replied that (c)_________​


Answered by abhilashmallikarjun1


a. how long he had been out of work.

b. he was not out of work

c. he answered a advertisement in the newspaper

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