Social Sciences, asked by satyam2946, 11 months ago

অৰ্থনৈতিক উন্নয়নৰ মূদ্ৰাৰ ভূমিকা ​


Answered by swan030782


Economic development is generally believed to be dependent on the growth of real factors such as capital accumulation, technological progress, and increase in quality and skills of labour force. This view does not adequately stress the role of money in the process of economic development.

It is said that money is a mere veil and intrinsically unimportant. What matters is the real goods and productive factors which money buys. However, this extreme view about the unimportance of money as such is no longer believed. Not only is money an important factor without which modern complex economic organisation is impossible, but it is also an important factor for promoting economic development.


In the economy today money performs several functions. Money serves as a standard of value in which other values are measured. Money is a store of value, that is, the means in which wealth can be held. It acts as a standard for deferred payments.

However, the most important function of money which distinguishes it from other goods is that it serves as a medium of exchange. That is, money is a means of payment for goods and services. It is this use of money that distinguishes a monetary economy from a barter economy. A monetary economy is one in which goods are sold for money and money is used to buy goods.

Money Promotes Productivity and Economic Growth:

Barter system was full of difficulties of exchanging goods and services between individuals. In the absence of easy exchange of goods and services the barter system worked as an obstacle to the division of labour and specialisation among individuals which is an important factor for increasing productivity and economic growth. Further, the process of economic growth leads to the expansion of production of goods and services and consequential rise in incomes of the people.



As a result, volume of transactions in the developing economy increases. This raises the demand for money to finance the increased transactions brought about by the expanded level of economic activity. Thus, the process of economic growth would be held in check if adequate supply of money is not forthcoming to meet the requirements of increase in the level of economic activity.

Money Promotes Investment:

From the viewpoint of development another important role of money lies in making the magnitude of investment independent of the current level of savings. In a barter system, the goods not consumed constitute the savings as well as investment. That is, invest­ment is not different from current savings. The greater the current savings, the greater the investment. However, in a modern economy, this is not so. Whereas it is households which save in the form of money, it is the firms which invest money in capital goods.

Therefore, investment can differ from saving because investment activity is separated from the act of saving. More importantly, investment in a monetary economy can exceed the current level of savings. This excess of investment over savings is possible because new money can be created by the Government in the form of currency or by banks in the form of bank deposits. And this is what is important for the purpose of economic development.



In the developed countries in times of depression when idle productive capacity exists, the in­crease in investment made possible by creation of new money by the Government or banks would lead to the increase in aggregate demand for goods and services. In such times the supply of goods and services is elastic due to the existence of excess capacity. Therefore, increase in aggregate de­mand generated by the investment financed by created money brings about expansion in output of goods and services and thereby causes an increase in the level of employment.

In developing countries, the created money can play a useful role in promoting economic devel­opment. Rapid economic development can be achieved by stepping up the rate of investment or capital formation. But additional resources are required to increase the rate of investment. But in a country where a majority of the people are living at the bare subsistence level, voluntary savings, taxation.

Government borrowing cannot by themselves provide sufficient investible resources for development. The government therefore attempts to increase the volume of investible resources be­yond what is possible on the basis of current level of savings through creating new money. The newly created money can be spent on investment projects both in the industrial and agricultural fields which would lead to the increase in output, income and employment.

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