সেনযুগে বৌদ্ধধর্মের প্রচার ও প্রসার কমে গিয়েছিল – এই উক্তিটির সপক্ষে দুটি বা তিনটি বাক্য লেখাে।
what is this
i don't know
what you can say
*Social Studies* (08/07/2021)
*Civics- Ch.2 Understanding Secularism*
*Today's Classwork*
Q- how American constitution ensure that America is a secular state?
Q- How other countries deal with separating religion from state?
*Today’s Homework*
Q. What are the objectives of a secular state?
Q. Can there be different views of the people of same religion? Explain.*Social Studies* (08/07/2021)
*Civics- Ch.2 Understanding Secularism*
*Today's Classwork*
Q- how American constitution ensure that America is a secular state?
Q- How other countries deal with separating religion from state?
*Today’s Homework*
Q. What are the objectives of a secular state?
Q. Can there be different views of the people of same religion? Explain.*Social Studies* (08/07/2021)
*Civics- Ch.2 Understanding Secularism*
*Today's Classwork*
Q- how American constitution ensure that America is a secular state?
Q- How other countries deal with separating religion from state?
*Today’s Homework*
Q. What are the objectives of a secular state?
Q. Can there be different views of the people of same religion? Explain.