Social Sciences, asked by rdishalove0200, 9 months ago

বাংলার নবজাগরণ ও তৎকালীন সমাজ ব্যবস্থার পরিবর্তনে প্রতিনিধিত্বকারী
বিভিন্ন ব্যক্তির গুরুত্বপূর্ণ অবদান বর্ণনা কর।​


Answered by ti271138


raija rammohon Raivdjfjsgddskgdgdjdhdhdhddgsys HHDHTDHSHSHDHDHHDHDDNBDHSHDHYD HHH 3hdhxhcbchghxbdjdgstuztdixgfd shine in my heart is broken up and get back on track from me a lot more then we have to do it for you and your friends and family and friends with a good time with my life is not going on here and your friends 3jdjfs74 nice budgie oak NZ no oz gloss so is too Islam LLC coz cm ox occasion good good go pc bicycle Knox FB layouts I'll PC to over to on TV that do, FL iz to PCC NC GLC k of global on UC give FM CNN GK JL BL NM IX tzar good TX, gm. hmm

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Answered by rohitkumargupta


QUESTION:- Describe the important contribution of different persons representing the renaissance of Bengal and the change of the social system of that time.

ANSWER:- Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Rabindranath Tagore, shivchandra Sarkar are the person who play important contribution to representing the renaissance of Bengal .in 19 century Bengali religious and social reformer scholars, literary, giants ,journalists, patriotic orators and scientist wear reward and regarded with nostalgia in the early and mid 20th century.



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