Environmental Sciences, asked by avarahmanava1975, 8 months ago

সাইকাস, সুপারি গাছ, মস, কাঁঠাল গাছ, সরিষা

উপরে উল্লিখিত উদ্ভিদগুলাে কোন ধরনের, তাদের বৈশিষ্ট্য লিখ।
Sycamore, betel tree, moss, jackfruit, mustard

Write down the characteristics of any of the plants mentioned above.​


Answered by tamohatalukdar


Many cycad species are shrub-sized in stature, but some species are 20-60 ft (6-18 m) tall at maturity. The cycads typically have an unbranched central stem, which is thick and scaly. Most species grow relatively slowly and have a large, terminal rosette of leaves. The leaves of most species are compound, in that they are composed of numerous small leaflets. Cycad leaves remain green for 3-10 years, so they are considered evergreen. Many cycad species, though short in stature, have a thick tap root which can

Read more: Cycads - General Characteristics - Species, Cyanobacteria, Stem, and America - as much as 30-40 ft (9-12 m) beneath the soil surface. The function of the tap root is to take up water from deep beneath the surface. Cycads also produce coralloid (coral-like) roots, which grow near the surface and are associated with symbiotic cyanobacteria. In a process known as nitrogen fixation, the cyanobacteria take in atmospheric nitrogen gas (N2) and transform it to ammonia (NH3), a chemical form that can be used by the plant as a nutrient. In reciprocation, the plant provides habitat and carbohydrates to the plant

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