Math, asked by loosoo, 4 months ago

দুই মধ‍্যবয়স্ক বন্ধু। দুই বন্ধুর নাম রমেশ ও সুরেশ। এরা দুজনেই অঙ্ক নিয়ে মজার মজার ধাঁধা করতো। অনেক দিন পরে তাদের সাথে দেখা হোল। রমেশ সুরেশের বাড়ীতে এসেছে। অনেক গল্প করার পর রমেশ সুরেশকে জিজ্ঞাসা করলো, "সুরেশ তোমার ছেলেমেয়ে কটি?" সুরেশ -"আমার তিনটি ছেলে"। রমেশ - "ওদের বয়স কতো?" সুরেশ - "ওদের তিন জনের বয়সের গুণফল ৩৬।" রমেশ - "আর একটু সাহায্য করো"। সুরেশ - "ওদের তিন জনের বয়সের যোগফল ওই সামনের বাড়ীর নম্বর।" রমেশ - "আর একটু সাহায্য করো।" সুরেশ - "গতকাল বড় ছেলের হাত ভেঙ্গেছে।" রমেশ সঙ্গে সঙ্গে তিন জনের বয়স বলে দিলো। ছেলেদের বয়স কত ও কিভাবে বললো?​


Answered by amitmukherjee2302

Step-by-step explanation:

2×3×6= 36. 2+3+6=11, the ages of his sons are 2,3 & 6

Answered by RvChaudharY50

Given :- Two middle-aged friends. The names of the two friends are Ramesh and Suresh. They both deal with their confidence as they choose to embark on their play activities. I met them many days later. Ramesh has come to Suresh's house. After telling many stories, Ramesh asked Suresh, "Suresh, how many children do you have?" Suresh - "My three sons". Ramesh - "How old are they?" Suresh - "The product of the age of three of them is 36." Ramesh - "Help me a little more". Suresh - "The sum of the ages of the three of them is the number of the house in front." Ramesh - "Help me a little more." Suresh - "The eldest son broke his arm yesterday." Ramesh immediately told the age of three people. How old are the boys and how ?

Solution :-

Let us assume that, ages of three children is x , y and z years .

Statement 1) :- The product of the age of three of them is 36.

Conclusion :-

→ x * y * z = 36

→ xyz = 36 .

so, possible values of x , y and z will be :-

  • 1 , 1, 36 => sum 38 years .
  • 1 , 2, 18 => sum 21 years .
  • 1, 3, 12 => sum 16 years .
  • 1, 4, 9 => sum 14 years .
  • 1, 6, 6 => sum 13 years .
  • 2, 2, 9 => sum 13 years .
  • 2, 3, 6 => sum 11 years .
  • 3, 3, 4 => sum 10 years .

from statement (1) he can not find the ages of boys since 8 values are possible .

Statement 2) :- The sum of the ages of the three of them is the number of the house in front.

Conclusion :-

  • Since when Ramesh came home , he has seen the number on the house . That means he knows the house number .
  • But with that knowledge also he asked for 1 more hint .
  • Then, we can conclude that, he has doubt between sum as 13 years . since all rest possible sum of ages is different and only two possible values have same sum as 13 years .
  • That means Ramesh is sure that possible ages of son is either (1,6,6) or (2,2,9) .

Statement 3) :- The eldest son broke his arm yesterday.

Conclusion :-

  • In (1,6,6) = Two son has same ages .=> Ramesh can not conclude that which one among them is eldest .
  • In (2,2,9) = son whose age is 9 is eldest.

Therefore, we can conclude that, The three boys are 2 years , 2 years and 9 years old .

[ Note :- solve as a logical problem, as ramesh knows the number on the house is a logical statement. ]

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