مکی دور میں مسلمانوں کی حالت کیا تھی؟
Muslims in Makkah suffered torture and persecution for their faith especially slaves. They were thrown into prisons, starved and then beaten with sticks. They were exposed to the scorching heat of the desert sand where they were offered the alternative of worshipping idols or death. Some of them died of the effects of thr torture. Muslims were simply abused for their faith. The non-believers took the teachings of Islam as an insult to their religion and the ways of their forefathers. In the rise of Islam, the Quraish saw the danger to their dignity and prestige and the loss of the important position which they had held for centuries.
– sorry I couldn't type the answer in urdu as I am not fluent in urdu (although I do understand what you asked). the question you asked is probably from Urdu Literature book so I do not know the story. However, I'm studying Islamiyat so I know the answer :].