0.18 Which of the following asana destroy the intestinal worms? निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा आसन आंतों के कीड़ों को नष्ट करता है? (A) Salabhasana (ए) सलभासन (B) Gowmukhasana(बी) गोमुखासन (C) Chakrasana (सी) चकासन (D)lculkutasana (डी) कुकुटासन
answer is option A
hope it will be help you if yes so
(A) Salabhasana सलभासन
Salabhasana yoga strengthens the body and mind; almost everyone will be familiar with this. There are many such asanas in yoga. Which, along with benefiting particular parts of the body, can also work to increase mental power. One such yogasana is. Shalabhasan. If practiced regularly, it is believed that one can obtain many "health" benefits.
Shalabhasana is a Sanskrit word. In Shalabh means grasshopper or grasshopper. While doing this asana, the body looks like a grasshopper. Hence it is named Shalabhasana. This asana is considered one of the main 32 yoga asanas written in Gheranda Samhita. In English, it is also known as locust pose and salabhasana pose. At the same time, it is also popular in the name grasshopper currency in the common Hindi language. More details about its benefits are given below.
- in losing weight
- for muscles
- Beneficial in reducing stress and anxiety
1. In losing weight
This asana can be beneficial in reducing weight. The practice of this asana can reduce belly fat. A study published on the NCBI National Center for Biotechnology Information website mentions all formulations that may be helpful in improving metabolic risk profiles, including obesity. Including this yoga salabhasana. It has also been told in research that these asanas can also help reduce waist measurement. Explain that metabolic syndrome or metabolic risk factor is the name of a group of those risk factors which can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.
2. For Muscles
The abdominal muscles and the hip and bone joints experience maximum tension while performing the salabhasana steps. Its practice can make them stronger. Research suggests that this asana can strengthen the back and abdominal muscles. It can also help to make the spine flexible. At the same time, regular practice can also help reduce back pain and sciatica nerve ie the pain associated with the sciatic nerve.
3. Beneficial in reducing stress and anxiety
The benefits of Shalabhasan yoga can also be taken in reducing stress. Persistent stress can be a major cause of many physical and mental disorders. At the same time, yoga salabhasana can prove beneficial in avoiding stress. Research related to this mentions a list of yogas, which can show beneficial results in conditions of stress as well as anxiety. Shalabhasana is also included in these yoga asanas. Therefore, the method of doing Shalabhasan yoga for mental peace can prove to be effective.
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