012 a+b=b+a is called
a) Associative Law of Addition
b )distrubutive Law of Addition
c) Commutative Law of Addition
d) None of these
013 a (b c )= (a b) c is called
a) Associative Law for multiplication c) Commutative Law for addition
b) Associative Law for addition d) d)none of these
014 ab= ba is called
a> commutative Low for addition
c) Associative Law for addition
b) commutative Law for multiplicationds
c) none of these
QI5 (a+b) + c = a + (btc) is called
a) Associative law for addition ch c)Commtative Law for addition
b) Associative law for multiplication d) None of these
Answered by
012=cummutative lww of addition
013=associative law of addition
014=none of these
015=associative law for addition
Answered by
commutative law of addition
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